Clear Aligners


We are a Certified Invisalign, 3M Clarity, ULab clear aligner Provider

Consider Clear Aligner treatment to get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted — without braces. A consultation with our doctor can determine if clear aligners are right for you.

What is it?

Clear aligner treatment uses a series of barely visible, removable, and comfortable aligners that allow you to smile more during treatment as well as after. Clear aligners are made with 3D computer imaging technology and has been proven effective.

Why would I want it?

Not only are the aligners hardly visible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces, with no metal or wires, which also usually means you spend less time in your doctor’s office getting adjustments. Clear aligner treatment also allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan when you start so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is comple

How does it work?

You wear each set of aligners for about one to two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move — little by little, week by week — until they have straightened to their final positions. You’ll visit us about once every 10-12 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Compared to traditional braces, you will likely visit our office less frequently. On the other hand, clear aligners may not be an effective or efficient clinical tool for all the clinical situations. Dr. Dzmitry will determine whether clear aligners, or braces, or either of them will be a good answer to your unique situation.